How to prepare Watermelon Pepper Shot | Quick Method

Hello Friends ,

Today I am sharing a perfect drink to beat this summer with Watermelon Pepper Shot 😋

 It is very easier to make and you can prepare it in very less time.

Blender used : Bosch Clever Mix 400W Health 

Benefits of Watermelon 

* Release your Stress 
* Rich in Vitamins 
* Good for Skin 
* Hydrates your body 
* Improve Digestion 

Ingredients ;

1) Watermelon
2) Salt
3) Pepper
4) Ice Cubes
5) Sugar

How to prepare:

Take half watermelon , divide into two halves . Make small cubes of watermelon and keep it aside in a bowl.Take rest of pieces in blender jar.

Add 4 tsp of sugar , 1 tsp of salt and 1 tsp of pepper . Use blender to make thick smoothie and pour the contents in a bowl , add watermelon cubes which was saved in a bowl earlier .

pepper can be added more if required.

Add Ice cubes and your Water Melon Pepper Shot is ready to serve , Enjoy !!!

Watermelon Pepper Chat


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