How to make Sweet Corn Pepper Chat | Sweet Corn Recipe

Hello Friends ,

Today I have come up with Sweet Corn Recipe . It is very simple and easy to prepare . Sweet Corn Pepper Chat is very tasty and good to eat evening snacks .

Sweet corn is easily available and very healthy snack . lets see how we can use sweet corn to make sweet corn pepper chat.

Ingredients :

* 1 Cup boiled Sweet Corn
* 1 tsp Butter
* 1 tsp Pepper
* 1/2 tsp Salt to taste

Sweet corn pepper chat is very easy to prepare snack.

How to prepare :

Take a cup of boiled corn in a bowl , add one tsp of butter and mix well , then add 1 tsp of pepper and 1/2 tsp of salt to the bowl and mix well .

You can add more pepper if required to make sweetcorn more spicy . Once you mix the contents well the Sweet Corn Pepper Chat is ready to serve . Enjoy !!!

Sweet Corn Pepper Chat

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